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Kragstasie omskakelaar toevoer DC220V AC110V

Huis >  Produkte >  Rekmonteer omskakelaar >  Kragstasie omskakelaar toevoer DC220V AC110V

rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V
rack mount inverter Power Station Inverter Supply DC220V AC110V

rek monteer omskakelaar kragstasie omskakelaar toevoer DC220V AC110V

Model : 1KVAR / 2KVAR / 3KVAR / 4KVAR / 5KVAR / 6KVAR    

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Bekendstelling van ons nuutste Advanced Rack-Mount Inverter Power Station, 'n kragstasie wat ontwerp is om jou mees kritieke toepassings teen die geringste onderbreking te beskerm. Dit is nie net 'n rugsteunkragoplossing nie; Dit is 'n omvattende stelsel wat ongeëwenaarde betroubaarheid, doeltreffendheid en veelsydigheid bied om aan jou unieke kragvereistes te voldoen.

In vandag se wêreld, waar kragonderbrekings aansienlike verliese kan veroorsaak, is dit uiters belangrik om 'n robuuste en betroubare rugsteunstelsel te hê. Ons Advanced Rack-Mount Inverter Power Station is ontwerp met dit in gedagte, met die nuutste tegnologie om deurlopende en ononderbroke kragtoevoer te verseker.

Die kern van hierdie stelsel lê in sy doeltreffende omskakelaartegnologie. Die omskakelaar skakel GS-krag van batterye om in wisselstroom, wat dan gebruik word om jou kritieke toerusting aan te dryf. Die omskakelaar is ontwerp om hoë vragte te hanteer en stabiele uitsetspanning te handhaaf, om te verseker dat jou toestelle glad bly funksioneer, selfs tydens kragonderbrekings.

Boonop spog ons Advanced Rack-Mount Inverter Power Station met 'n robuuste batterybestuurstelsel. Dit ondersteun 'n wye reeks batterytipes, sodat jy die mees geskikte battery vir jou behoeftes kan kies. Die batterybestuurstelsel verseker optimale batterywerkverrigting, verleng batterylewe en verminder instandhoudingskoste.




Kapasiteit opsies: Beskikbaar in verskillende hoedanighede wat wissel van 1KVA tot 6KVA, aangepas om aan jou spesifieke vereistes te voldoen.

Enkelfase-operasie: Verseker verenigbaarheid met standaard elektriese stelsels, wat installasie en integrasie 'n briesie maak.

Doeltreffende kraglewering: Gegradeerde krag wat wissel van 800W tot 4800W, wat genoeg krag verskaf om jou toestelle glad te laat werk.

Wye spanningsversoenbaarheid: Aanvaar AC-insetspanning tussen 85Vac en 135Vac, en GS-insetspanning van 220Vdc met 'n wye spanningsreeks.

Battery buigsaamheid: Ondersteun 'n wye reeks batterytipes, insluitend litiumioon, loodsuur, kolloïdaal en NICD, vir maksimum verenigbaarheid.

Suiwer sinusgolfuitset: Lewer skoon, stabiele sinusgolfuitset om sensitiewe elektroniese toerusting te beskerm.

Hoë doeltreffendheid: Bereik inversiedoeltreffendheid van ≥85% (teen 80% weerstandslading) om energiebenutting te maksimeer.






-Standaard 19" rekmontering2 RU-onderstel, suiwer sinusgolfuitset

-5 Roetes Droë kontak vir stelsel (GS-insetfout, AC-insetfout, oorladingsinligting, omleidingsinligting en uitsetfout)

-Intydse monitering van die stelsel se bedryfstatus, hoorbare en visuele alarm

-RS232 en RS485 en opsionele SNMP-kommunikasiepoort

-PWM en SPWM omskakelaar beheer tegnologie, hoë frekwensie




Het jy laai-oplossing? 
A:Yes, BVT suitable for battery charging usage. In this application, our rectifier system is widely used for N+1 power supply and battery charging system management.

Does the product support the SNMP function?
A:Yes, 90% BVT product support SNMP. And all product built-in RS485 communication for standard. 

What is RS485?
A:RS485 is a communication interface, support real-time data communication function, and can use the monitoring software to monitor and control the working condition of the inverter power supply in a real-time manner. supply.(Optional)

Can the inverter adapt to high temperature and operate stably?
A:BVT supports a maximum temperature of -20℃~60℃, and the stable operation is unchanged. If you configure air conditioning cooling in a high temperature environment, the product life will be increased

Can the inverter power supply be used on the plane?
A:Currently not supported, because the height problem will affect the operation of the inverter and fail. Haibo ≥ 2000 meters, the inverter will fail and not work

How about the inverter load?
A:Super overload capacity, can withstand full load startup, with bypass switch, can switch to bypass power supply when overloaded

How about high frequency inverter power supply noise?

Can I choose the mains mode for my inverter power supply?
A:Yes, BVT inverter support AC main power supply and DC main power supply, 2 modes can be selected flexibly, and the mode can be changed through the LCD panel or the communication background software

What will causes Power failure and what can be done to resolve?
A: Check whether the positive and negative poles are reversed, and reconnect after confirming. If it cannot be turned on, please return the power supply back to BVT for inspection & repairing

What are the protection functions of the inverter power supply?
A:Input under-voltage protection, anti-DC input reverse connection, buffer protection, over-voltage protection, overload protection, short-circuit protection, over-temperature protection, temperature-controlled fan, etc.


Parameter tabel

Parallelle funksieOndersteun nie parallel nie
Gegradeerde krag1KVA       800W2KVA      1600W3KVA       2400W4KVA       3200W5KVA       4000W6KVA       4800W
Omseil invoer
Gegradeerde spanning110Vac
Spanning reeks85 ~ 135Vac
Frekwensie reeks40Hz ~ 55Hz@50Hz stelsel; 65Hz ~ 64Hz@60Hz stelsel
GS-spanningsreeks220Vdc@cutoff spanning: ≤180Vdc, of ≥275Vdc, Opstartspanning: 208Vdc ~ 260Vdc
Battery tipeLitiumbatterye, loodsuurbatterye, kolloïdale batterye, NICD
Uitset spanning110Vac
Uitset frekwensie50Hz / 60Hz (±0.1%)
Uitsetspanning presisie (V)±1,5%
GolfvormSuiwer sinusgolf
Oorlading kapasiteit101% ~ 120% Laai / Gaan voort 60's; 121% ~ 150% Laai / Gaan voort 10s
Inversiedoeltreffendheid   (80% weerstandslading)≥85% (80% lineêre las)
Oordrag tyd≤5ms
Diëlektriese sterkte1500Vac / 10mA / 60s
Humidititeit0 ~ 90%, geen vogkondensasie nie
Bedryfshoogte (m)≤2000m
Geraas (1m)<55dB<60dB
LCD-skermInsetspanning, uitsetspanning, frekwensie, uitsetstroom, temperatuur, persentasie, werkmodus. Tyd.ens
KommunikasieRS232 en RS485; SNMP opsioneel


Maatskappy Naam
  • 110Vac Reekse Omskakelaar Gebruiker manual.pdf


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